Fractional Laser Resurfacing

The Palomar 1540 laser system has been developed to treat a wide range of cosmetic conditions, including wrinkles, lines, sagging skin, and textural changes that can occur as a result of the natural aging process. Treatment can be performed on nearly any area of the body, and is most popularly used on the face, chest, arms, and hands. The Palomar 1540 is a fractional resurfacing treatment that is non-invasive.
• No downtime
• High efficacy
• High level of precision
• Deeper penetration
• No surface damage
• Long term results
• No need for topical anesthetic
• Shorter treatment time
• Less discomfort during and after treatment

This laser system is able to achieve effective results without damaging the skin or utilizing incisions or other methods which damage the skin or cause surface wounds. Using its patented delivery system, the Palomar 1540 may achieve many of the same results as those seen with invasive procedures, without the recovery time and discomfort associated with those procedures.

It delivers its laser beams in narrow columns of focused energy to create specific areas of heat and controlled damage within the tissues of the treatment area. This controlled damage actually encourages and stimulates the body’s own natural healing processes, instigating the development of new collagen. Collagen comprises about 80 percent of skin tissue, and is responsible for the firm, elastic nature of skin. The heated energy of the laser encourages the development of new collagen, in a process which continues for weeks after the procedure, resulting in a continued improvement in skin’s appearance and overall tone.

This procedure requires no topical anesthesia. The laser energy is delivered to the treatment area through a special hand piece, which is passed over the surface of the skin usually 2 to 3 times during your treatment session. Each procedure requires less than 30 minutes to perform. Most men and women may achieve the results they’re looking for.

Your initial results may be visible right after treatment, as lines and wrinkles begin to appear softer, and eventually disappear altogether. You may expect results to continue to improve for several weeks after your procedure as new collagen is formed. Immediately after treatment, you may notice some redness and slight swelling which resolve within a few hours. You can return to your normal routines right after treatment.


*Individual Results May Vary